Grinder with portafilter holder $2870
Grinder plain $2675
Dosing Hopper 1 kilo $425 each
Dosing Hopper ½ or 1 lb. $445
specify right or left side
Dosing ring set $92 see below
all FOB factory
Warranty 1 year - support forever
International customers pay their country's customs duties and taxes
Weight 37 lbs
6” wide x 13” high x 8” deep
(not including the power cord)
Standard 1 kilo hopper adds 5 1/2" per side. Total height becomes 25 3/4", depth becomes 12 1/2".
Medium 1 lb. hopper makes the machine 22 5/8" tall.
Short 1/2 lb. hopper makes the machine 20 1/4"
Requires 1A @ 120 VAC or proportional current at other voltages. The grinder can be factory adjusted to operate from 107 to 240 VAC. In all cases it uses 130 WATTS.
Uses conical burrs and flat burrs. The conical set breaks the beans into small chunks that can then enter the 68 mm. gentle flat burrs. The long grind path and slow 500 rpm. burr speed preserves great flavor.
Grind adjustment is continuous by rotating the top funnel. A knob locks the position and must be tightened before grinding.
CALL 505.771.9177 or EMAIL
to BUY or for more INFORMATION
CALL 505.771.9177 or EMAIL
to BUY or for more INFORMATION

Dosing rings allow a reduction in the amount of beans dosed.
Depending on the actual bean size the delivery bar will likely drop 17-18 grams into the top funnel. There are 8 rings that progressively reduce the quantity down to about 55% of what the delivery bar alone doses.

To discover the changes in design and manufacturing by date and serial number, go here.